Saturday 10 March 2007

Welcome to my world?

well, now, here goes... as for the title, no this is not my world - I do get out outside and breathe fresh air on occasions. Well, as often as possible. However in pursuit of this activity last week I managed to make it much more difficult for myself this week - I'll explain. Last week I was in the Austrian Alps (thanks Jacqui and Ralf, and family, a great week despite the accident!), Filzmoos to be exact (near Salzburg - go 2014!), skiing... which was fine until lunchtime on Wednesday, then a mass of deep snow jumped out at me and swallowed my right ski. This caused me to elegantly face-plant into the white stuff (the Alps stuff, not the London snuff), unfotunately my upper and lower right leg failed to communicate in real time and my knee was the link that broke. I now get to hobble around on crutches for a few weeks, and have a knee brace on for 6-8 weeks. I've torn the medial ligament, damaged the posterior cruciate ligament and also the meniscus. It was relatively (considering the damage!) stable and the doc thought that it should heal itself as long as it is braced to stop sideways movement of the knee - which I am very happy about, as sideways movement in my right knee provokes scream, shout followed by a few minutes of deep breathing whilst sitting still waiting for the pain to dissapate. My first question for the doc after the MRI scan on Wednesday was can I travel in April! Great to see my priorities are all in the right place. More about travel plans later, but she said, "yes", but with the knee brace.

A result of this is I have time to start on of these things, a blog, and possibly even time to update it. I've thought about it before but always doubted my ability to stick to it... we'll see... time will tell.

Of course the skiing accident has resulted in numerous questions and comments. Top of the list being "What have you done?" followed often by "Guess you've had that question a lot." Also it has been pointed out that maybe Aussies shouldn't associate with snow, and that I should stick to non-frozen water! I'm sure I won't learn.

bye for now,


Johan Setterberg said...

Shit Rich, jävla skit alltså! Jag åker ner till Melbourne och styr upp lite under VM avresa 22/3 - 2/4 liksom.
Tråkigt att höra om knät, men fan simmare skall hålla sig till vatten i flytande form.
Vi hörs!



Anonymous said...

Action Man..!! You've been nailed. I know that pain you are feeling, quite excrutiating and still you think, can't be that bad, I must be a bigger wimp than I thought, it's only a knee. Oh Lordi, yes sir it's real alright, must be alot of nerves attached to the knee, the one's that are directly connected to every other nerve in the body except one maybe as it does nothing for your love life.
Sorry to hear about your accident hope you are back in the pool asap. By the sound it could've been worse but will stop short at saying you were lucky! Where are you going in April?

Anonymous said...

Haha stackare! Sjukskriven? Har också en blogg, det är trevligt att få skriva av sig lite... Försökte kolla din sida från jobbet, och fick ett meddelande om att jag försökt komma åt en förbjuden sida och att det blivit "logged", så nu får man väl sparken... Hoppas att du mår bra annars! Kram Annakarin, som bara blir större och större!

Anonymous said...

Men vännen var har du gjort?! (Japp, en frågvis jävel till.) Hoppas du mår bra annars. Om du inte är totalt stenad av alla smärtstillande tabletter så har du ju nu världens chans att läsa alla böcker du alltid haft lite för roligt för att läsa, se alla såpor du alltid undrat vad de handlar om och tjata på vänner att komma på sjukbesök. Yey! :)

Ta hand om dig och håll dig till flytande H20 hädanefter.. ;)

KRam /Anna

rich said...

johan - Melbourne... finaste stad i världen? bättre än frontsiden?! hälsa från mig.

rob - shame to hear it is not going to do anything for my love life, that could do with a bit of help! hopefully be in pool by summer here.

annakarin - fan, hoppas du inte förlorar jobbet. konstigt nog att de tycker att blogger är farligt. trodde det var bara fiende till ESS som var blockad!

rich said...

anna - tack! om jag minns rätt så var du bra på att ta hand om sjuklingar. du får öva igen om du är i närheten av stan!

Anonymous said...

Dear Rich,

A blog? How modern! Where are you?


Anonymous said...

Hi Rich,
hope you are better, or better to say your knee! This is Ralf from China,
Cool blogg you have got here!

all the best


Anonymous said...

Rich -

Sorry to hear about the knee. I tore my ACL years ago and am still paying for it... Hopefully yours isn't that bad if the doctors say it will heal itself.

Time to give yourself and your knee some R&R... Have a pint for me.



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